Tuesday, May 25, 2010

the whale has beached...

Look at that backbone!  I'll let the pictures tell what happened today....

Jeez louise, this place looks like a small community college!  Now offering classes on drywall installation and wiring!  Reasonable tuition...questionable room and board.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

too tired to write anything....

......but I will say that this is the rainiest May I can ever remember.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

stairs....rain...second floor...more rain...

If we were installing a stadium-style retractable roof, this would be the view.

And here is the rain, puddling on the floor of our family room.

Friday, May 14, 2010

So instead of pictures of the house, here are a couple pictures of the new view from the 2nd floor.  It has been years since I lived somewhere with an upstairs, and I felt a little strange suddenly being able to see into my neighbors' back yards!
Another view towards the front of the house:
 And out the back:
This is the opening for the stairs:
 And this just feels weird, I mean, who can reach the top of a chimney?  Certainly not shorties like me.

Thursday, May 13, 2010


I'm going to take a break from being informative and share some fun pictures I took today.
But I will tell you one thing, those two items in view of the new family room window are the compost bin and the burn pile.  Looks like they need a new home in the yard!

Wednesday, May 12, 2010


This is looking toward the front of the house, from the family room towards the office.
Family room, looking northeast.

The bathroom.
 Looking down the hall from the office to the family room.

Monday, May 10, 2010


Wow, walls!  Not much else to say! 

Sunday, May 9, 2010


Well, the floors are done!  And when I say done, I mean this is the floor we'll live with while we save up for the real wood flooring.  And by real wood, I mean NOT plywood.  The boy is currently cruising the future family room, with our future ex-bedroom (to be demolished) in the background.  Those floors are getting rained on as I type this!  For the past few weeks, we have gorgeous weekends followed by rain that rolls in right with our builder every Monday. 
Also, dig my new jump rope I got at Goodwill.  Yeah!
And look at the dogwood, blossoms going strong in its new home.  I hope it survives the transition!

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

post and pier!

Well, we are moving right along!
Ok, do you see the dogwood on the right side if this picture?  It was in the way when they were using the bulldozer to backfill around the foundation, so they moved it for us, just like that!  We always hated the location of that tree, but the only option we had was to leave it or cut it down.  Magic.  But the bark did get pretty ripped up, so we'll see if it makes it.